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Our Services

EMMETT Therapy

1 hr - $50

 A light touch muscle release therapy, where the Emmett therapist has the ability to assess and tailor the treatment according to the specific needs and beliefs of each client.


To book an appointment contact Naomi on 0415 801 891, or message on Facebook @southernhighlandsemmett.


1 hr - $50

Individual therapy tailored for clients with disabilities.  EMM-Care provides support to parents and care workers by sharing effective, gentle and safe muscle release moves that can be used on the client at home.  These moves can be easily incorporated with other care programs and existing medical therapies.  The Emmett corrections shared with the client will be chosen from a group of specialised corrections to suit the client's individual requirements and be best suited for 'at home support'.  

This program empowers clients with disabilities or carers who care for people with disabilities, to receive the care they need after hours or at home during their care routines.

Your therapist will remain involved in the ongoing treatment of the client in the clinic but also can provide another valuable support to the client through their carer or health care worker to ensure they are able to receive support at home or after hours when they often need it most.


To book an appointment contact Naomi on 0415 801 891, or message on Facebook @southernhighlandsemmett.

Equine EMMETT Therapy

$80 per session

Plus travel if applicable

The EMMETT Technique is a unique therapy involving the application of light pressure on specific points to affect immediate release in surrounding muscle tissue.  When applied to horses, it can encourage freedom of movement, easing of muscle restriction and can result in a reduction of pain.

To book an appointment with Mia, call on 0458 778 135, or message on Facebook @epionetherapies.

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